´What’s learnt in the cradle lasts till the tomb´ is certainly true if we want to see children grow up to become adults who are aware of and interested in nature and environment. Milk&Cookies implements this with a magnificent natural garden behind the childcare centre. When designing the garden, we have taken the possibilities and the need for challenges of children until 4 years old as our starting point. All the playing materials have been made from sustainable materials. A part of the garden has been made into a vegetable garden, where the children will be involved in harvesting, sowing and the change of the seasons. There are also 3 chickens in the garden and the children can observe them, help taking care of them, and of course gather the eggs.
The natural garden offers the children staying at Milk&Cookies the possibility to safely play outside, right in the centre of the city. Playing outside is important for every age group. Their senses are stimulated and there are always things to discover that they would never find inside. In principle, we go outside every day.